The power of breaking patterns

An individual finding his way to break patterns in a colorfoul environment.
Silvio Sangineto Avatar

The power of breaking patterns is a key element to create added value. It doesn’t matter if you apply this to your personal or professional life. Many individuals, however, remain unaware of their own patterns, and simple awareness is insufficient for true progress. Doing it sounds exciting but we tend to stick to things that worked before.

Progress is the key to happiness, you may want to create a space to make progress towards to your new identity. This concept isn’t just for those who feel stuck; it’s relevant for everyone. Change is a constant in life, shaped by both external and internal factors, and it’s important to embrace this inevitability. So it is super important being able to recognize patterns and anticipate (we will talk more about the concept of anticipation in a different article) them .

I’ve developed a personal framework to continuously challenge myself. In my professional life, for instance, I regularly assess my methods. Even when my approaches yield positive results, I ask, “How can this be done differently?”. There is not a specific trigger, it is the question at the end of any effort. Being sure to ask that question all the time, I’m consciously creating the space to start the first fundamental phase to brake patterns: self-reflection and awareness.

How can this be done differently?


Another critical question I often pose is, “What has worked elsewhere?” For instance, during my time at Macy’s, where I was responsible for leading the design of new store experiences, we habitually focused only on our most conservative competitors for inspiration. Recognizing the limitation in this approach, I encouraged the team to broaden our perspective. We began to explore what innovative retailers like Apple were doing in their retail spaces, and we also examined the concepts behind Amazon’s physical stores. This shift in thinking allowed us to draw inspiration from a wider range of sources and innovate in our own designs. Asking us that powerful question, gave us the opportunity to set new goals and challenge our comfort zone.

This mindset isn’t limited to work; it extends to all areas of life. For a long time, I was skeptical about mainstream figures in personal development, like Tony Robbins. Then I started questioning my skepticism: “What if there’s value in their teachings? What if their perspectives could broaden my understanding of coaching and personal growth?” Deciding to attend one of these events was a game-changer for me. The depth and energy were so profound. The hardest part was overcoming my initial reluctance, a pattern I had to break. I’m glad I did.

Now, I will continue to bring consistent efforts. Implement small but constant and regular actions are key to break patterns and grow. As a practical example, I have committed to spending 15 minutes daily reading books authored by [specific author or thought leader]. Additionally, I plan to attend one of his events in person as soon as the opportunity arises. This approach of integrating regular, focused activities into my routine is a key strategy in my journey of personal development.

How many times we are emotionally involved and being euphoric we decide to start a new diet? How many times we are capable to loose and maintain weight? Be patient with yourself and understand that progress may be gradual but must start now. If you are saying yourself that you can’t, then it is the time you must.
There’s a well-known adage: “What brought you here won’t take you there.” Yet, few people truly push themselves out of their comfort zones to identify their gaps and ways to bridge them. It’s a journey of continual self-exploration and challenging the status quo, and it’s one that can lead to significant personal and professional growth.

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