Meet Silvio

Discover the Journey Behind the Vision

Don’t stop dreaming.

In the vibrant tapestry of my origin, I was born in a vivid little town nestled in the sun-kissed embrace of southern Italy – Paola, a city of 15,000 souls, cradled in one of Italy’s humblest corners. Amidst the rustic charm and the aroma of homemade pasta, my dreams found their first whispers.

Ever since childhood, my dream was to set foot in the USA. I recall grabbing a random suitcase, declaring ‘America!’ to my bemused mother.

Life, a whirlwind of twists and turns, became my canvas, and I, the artist of my fate. While peers reveled in weekend parties, I meticulously charted my aspirations, steadfast in my belief that where there’s a will, there is a way. After living in many countries and transforming my life and career many times, In 2016 I made my way to California.

Yet, my weekends now are not mere days of rest; they are canvases for new dreams, vibrant with energy and pulsating with possibilities. The fuel for my odyssey is dreams – dreams that propel me forward, yet knowing deep down, this is merely the overture.There’s much more to achieve, and I’m determined to make it happen.

Are you, too, igniting your dreams? What story do you long to write?

Some call it a gift, but I call it a passion, a burning desire to illuminate the path for you, wonderful souls. It’s time to awaken your dormant potential, to embrace the magic of design thinking. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together, where your dreams become the vivid hues of our shared masterpiece.

Silvio Sangineto
Leadership Coach

“Don’t ever let someone tell you, you can’t do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you got to protect it “